Monday, February 28, 2011

Punctuality is important...

Noah: "Mommy, I need to have an important meeting!"
Me: "Really?"
Noah: "Yes! It's about my light saber. Round up all of my animals please, they need to be on time for it!"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I guess parents are to blame for an inflated ego...

Mommy: "That's a cool Lego ship, Noah!"
Noah: "Stooop, you don't have to say that!"
Mommy: "Why? I'm just giving you a compliment."
Noah: "Because....I already know how awesome I am."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Noah yoga and a one armed scissor

These are two great Noaheathisms from December of 2010. They are worthy of a good laugh if you need one today.

1. Noah Yoga

Noah: "Daddy I want to teach you yoga."
Me:  "Ok, Noah."
Noah: "See that's yoga!"
Me: "Noah, that is a forward role."
Noah: "No, that is how you do my yoga."

2. Are one armed scissors bad?
Me: "Noah, do you want to listen to Matt Pond?"
Noah: "No, I want something cooler. I want something that sounds like a robot."
Me: "How about this"
Noah: "What is this song?"
Me: "One Armed Scissor by At The Drive In."
Noah: "Daddy, are they bad?"
Me: "No, they ae really good"
Noah: "Then why are they singing bad."
Me: laughed for a good two minutes

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Not once, not twice but thrice....

 This is now the third time Noah has referenced the DRC. Today, it happened as he was flying around his Lego airplane with Star Wars action figures in tow:

Noah: "Mommy the good guys are on their way to fight the bad guys."
Mommy: "Really? Where are the off to?"
Noah: "Umm that place where all the bad guys are. Where is it again? Oh yeah, Congo. They're off to fight the bad guys in Congo."

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Everyone likes Noah

Noah spends a couple days a week with an awesome woman named Ms. Lindsey. Luckily, she also keeps up with his funny statements....

From Lindsey: Noah told met to write "Dear Mommy, I have been a good boy all the time."

Noah: "Camden (Lindsey's son) always likes me."
Lindsey: "Everyone likes Noah."
Noah: "Everyone execpt Xavier."
Lindsey: "Who is Xavier?"
Noah: "My friend that says potty words."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spider Man and Barack Obama

Noah - "Daddy, spider man is white."
Me - "Yes, he is Noah."
Noah - "He is also red and blue when he puts on his costume."
Me - "Right again Noah."
Noah - "You are white, and mommy is black, and I am black and white just like Barack Obama."
Me (laughing) - "You are awesome Noah."

Monday, February 7, 2011

Columbus never said sorry

February 6th -
Noah - "Xavier said pink is an icky color
Mommy - "What does Noahethan think?"
Noah - " I think pink is pretty, and mommy is beautiful, and daddy is awesome"

February 7th
Noah - "Mill you play with me?"
Me - "Yes noah"
Noah -"Ok, we need to bring the ATAT in here to fight those two small ships"
Me - "Noah the ATAT doesn't belong in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom"
Noah "Yes it does"

February 7th - Classic!
Noah - "Daddy what do they say at the end of the Rudolph song?"
Me - "You will go down in history, like Columbus."
Noah - "Daddy, do you know Columbus was a bad person, and he killed a lot of people"
Me - "Yes, Noah I do."
Noah - "But daddy he didn't even say sorry"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Poop letters and magic gender changing wands

Mommy - "Noah that piece of poop is as big as you"
Noah - "Yes it is, and it's shaped like an "S".

It's freakin awesome having our son see letters in everything, especially poop!

Noah - "I have no clue on how the rest of this fits together. I know what will work - teamwork!"

Last week:
Noah - "When I am big, you were in my belly and you ate my food. I ate chicken and salmon and all the healthy stuff so you were healthy."
Mommy - "Noah I can't be in  your belly, boys can't have babies."
Noah - "Well I had a magic wand, and turn myself into a girl."

Magic wands change everything